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Banking, Investment & Financial Services

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At Positive Planet, we’ve teamed up with key players in the banking, investment and financial industries to bring about a shift towards sustainability. We recognise that success today involves more than just profit margins; it’s about integrating sustainability as a fundamental aspect of corporate strategy.

NorthEdge Logo

Why Sustainability Matters

Sustainability and Net Zero is not just a checkbox; it’s a catalyst for growth. Imagine a world where your business not only earns investor confidence but also excels in risk management. By championing strong sustainability practices, your company stays ahead of the curve as legislation in this vital area evolves.


We’re not just talking about numbers; we’re talking about the future. The climate crisis is no longer a distant threat—it’s a financial reality. Firms equipped with a robust sustainability strategy don’t just survive; they thrive. By partnering with Positive Planet, you gain the knowledge and tools to navigate the changing climate and understand the future of investment.

Success Stories: NorthEdge

Curious about real-world impact? Discover how we helped NorthEdge measure its carbon footprint and elevate its portfolio companies.

Our commitment is to empower businesses to make sustainable choices, not just for themselves but for the planet. NorthEdge is a portfolio investment company, who are working towards Net Zero within their operations and their portfolio. Positive Planet has supported a number of its portfolio companies by measuring their full scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions and developing Net Zero Roadmaps. These emissions will feed into NorthEdge’s scope 3 emissions. 

NorthEdge Logo

“The team at Positive Planet have provided us with continued support as we developed our own Net Zero plan. Their expertise in the space and ability to translate the complexities surrounding carbon accounting into real life examples and business applications has allowed us to not only formulate our own reduction targets but also encourage and support our portfolio companies on their own journeys to Net zero.”

Daniel Galley
Portfolio Business Partner at NorthEdge
net zero

Why Net Zero Matters

The financial services industry is entering an era where accountability extends beyond financial outcomes. Intentions alone are no longer enough; it’s about making tangible commitments and showcasing results. Positive Planet is your ally in this journey, providing the tools you need to measure, reduce, and communicate your carbon footprint and sustainable successes.

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Helping you, help our planet